Cursuri virtuale pentru o viitoare cariera in Medicina, Coding sau Sustainable Business

cursuri virtuale pentru o viitoare cariera in medicina coding sau sustainable business.jpg

Tara: Anglia
Locatie: Online
Varsta: 13-17 ani
Tip tabara: Curs Online
Limba studiata: Engleza

26-30 Oct 2020

Descriere curs

Programul online este dedicat adolescentilor cu varste cuprinse intre 13 si 17 ani, cu un nivel bun de cunostinte al limbii engleza (min B1+), care doresc sa continuie procesul de invatare si de pregatire pentru viitoarea cariera.

Programul este desfasurat in totalitate online, prin intermediul platformei Microsoft Teams si asigura un mediu de studiu international atat prin intermediul workshop-urilor live dar si a sesiunilor de grup si a proiectelor ce vor fi pregatite in grupuri mici.

Durata acestui program este de 5 zile, iar cursurile se vor desfasura zilnic de luni pana vineri intre orele 9:00 - 13:30 ora Angliei (orele 11:00 - 15:30 ora Romaniei). Programul include 20 de ore de studiu impartite astfel: 15 ore studiu / subiect ales din Medicina, Coding sau Sustainable Business + 4 ore de Leadership & Life Skills + 1 prezentare din partea unui speaker din domeniu.

Workshop-urile vor fi sustinute de catre profesorii scolii impreuna cu colaboratori precum The Eden Project, Software Academy sau specialisti in domeniu pentru a asigura o experienta unica participantilor.

La inscriere, fiecare elev va alege un subiect de studiu, din:

Sustainable Business

Delivered in partnership with renowned sustainable enterprise and world-leading Biome The Eden Project. Students will learn the foundations of sustainable enterprise, including the three pillars of sustainability. Students will gain an insight into how these shape The Eden Project and will use them when exploring how to launch and operate a new venture through business enterprise project work delivered by our tutors.

The Eden Project is an educational charity, that connects people and the living world, exploring how we can work towards a better future. There HQ in Cornwall is an international Visitor Destination and Learning Centre for all ages, abilities and interests. Nestled in a huge crater, massive covered Biomes housing the largest rainforest in captivity, Mediterranean landscapes, stunning plants, crop displays, art installations, exhibitions and stories serve as a backdrop to their striking contemporary Outdoor Gardens, summer concerts and exciting year-round family events.  At and beyond the Destination they work on projects, programmes and partnerships to share their mission and ideas with the widest possible audience.


Delivered by London-based code academy Software Academy. All tutors are graduates from top UK universities. Students learn to code in Python, one of the most useful languages for beginners. The course covers the basics of loops, lists, arrays and variables. Learning is couched in interactive and collaborative coding where students learn to code a racing video game incorporating the skills they have been taught.

Software Academy was established in 2016, by Ali Nemati, a university lecturer with more than 15 years of experience. The objective of the company is to teach creative technology to adults & children and to undertake the development of innovative projects. Software Academy has worked on many different projects, both educational and commercial for corporations and institutions. Software Academy concentrates on digital innovative & creative technologies. Industry-standard tools are used continuously and taught at Software Academy for real-time 3D applications, as well as digital design, 3D visualisations & programming.


Led and designed  by Dr Jake Adams, a practising NHS doctor with a range of experience across medical practice, but specialising in emergency and expedition medicine. Students learn about the day-to-day life of a career in medicine, supplemented with theoretical teaching covering anatomy and medical ethics. Students take part in practical tasks like reading ECGs, making patient diagnoses and a virtual resuscitation simulation.

Dr Jake Adams is the course designer and leader for the Medicine Virtual Course. Dr Jake studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh, graduating in 2017 with a BmedSci (Hons) in Sports Medicine (First Class). He spent his Foundation Doctor years in Bristol and Yeovil, working a mix of medical and surgical jobs, General Practice and in the Emergency Department. This year Dr Jake is focusing on developing his interests in Emergency Medicine and Expedition Medicine. He has just started a new position at the New Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh.

Programul cursului virtual include pe durata celor 5 zile:

· 15 ore de workshop-uri in grupe internationale in functie de domeniul ales la inscriere si proiecte de grup ce stimuleaza competitia
· 4 ore workshop-uri Leadership & Life Skills sustinute de invitati speciali, precum Kathie Knell (Kathie has 24 years’ experience in developing and designing leadership and management solutions, largely spent as a British Army Officer, receiving an MBE for her work in 2010 and was on the NATO Committee on Gender Perspectives.)
· 1 prezentare de o ora din partea unui speaker, specialist in domeniul ales
· Programul cursului se desfasoara de luni pana vineri intre orele 9:00 - 13:30 ora Angliei (orele 11:00 - 15:30 ora Romaniei)
· Mediu de studiu international, elevii vor avea ocazia sa interactioneze cu ceilalti participanti, indiferent de subiectul de studiu ales, in cadrul sesiunilor de grup
· Certificat participare curs, in format digital

Date de participare 2020:

26 - 30 Octombrie 2020

Durata: 5 zile


775 GBP

Tariful nu include: 

· Taxa de inscriere 20 GBP
· TVA 19%

De ce cursuri online Mirunette?

Cursuri Online Acreditate

Educatia nu ar trebui sa se opreasca niciodata, indiferent de vremurile in care traim. Mirunette propune o diversitate de cursuri acreditate, predate de profesori nativi cu experienta in centre, scoli sau universitati de renume din strainatate.

Predarea se face 100% online, cu posibilitate de program flexibil, 1 to 1 sau lectii de grup, proiecte practice si resurse gratuite. Expertiza in educatie a partenerilor Mirunette si tipul de cursuri online oferite de centrele, scolile sau universitatile cu care lucram nu are comparatie pe piata cursurilor din Romania.

Asadar, continua-ti invatarea la standarde excelente si alege unul din cursurile online Mirunette.
