Cambridge/Oxford Academic Online Study Programme - Media, Communication & Social Media

cambridgeoxford academic online study programme media.jpeg

Tara: Anglia
Locatie: Online
Varsta: 16-19 ani
Tip tabara: Curs Online
Limba studiata: Engleza

4 Februarie - 14 Aprilie 2024
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Descriere curs

Programul Academic Cambridge/Oxford Online Study include 8 cursuri / prelegeri online, sustinute de un profesor universitar de la University of Cambridge sau University of Oxford cu tematica Media: Consumer Behavior and Marketing Research on Social Media Platforms:

Program descrDescription

In this course, we will cover some basic communication theories for understanding digital, social, and mobile media marketing. After several weeks of content, students will develop ideas for conducting their rich in the field. We will practice defining a research question, proposing a research design, and will begin collecting and analyzing data to answer the question.

Since the early 21st century, the channels and ways people get news and information have grown exponentially and become more diverse and influential. Digital and social media play an important role in guiding what information we receive and how we access, process and share that information. Network media not only has an impact on our community environment but also is closely related to our lives and values. The information and images disseminated online can affect people's work lives, social interactions, and even their emotional well-being. The information disseminated by social media in p, in particular,a huge impact, so we must learn how to:

• communicate in the digital world
• evaluate and guide the correct dissemination of social information through social media
• disseminate information responsibly through social media
• use social media for online academic research.

‘Marketing’ refers to the process by which an enterprise discovers or excavates the needs of prospective consumers and makes them understand the product and then buy it. In classic business management courses such as MBAs and EMBAs, marketing is often an important module of management and education for managers. Marketing is an activity, process and system that brings economic value to customers, clients, partners, and the whole

Example Tutor:

Professor Patrick Baert
Position: Sociology department at Cambridge University
Biography:  Professor Patrick completed his postgraduate work at Oxford University, studying social theory under Rom Harre. He then joined the Sociology department at Cambridge University. His recent research on the sociology of intellectuals has been funded by a variety of institutions, including the British Academy, the European Research Council and the Leverhulme Trust. His books have been translated into more than 10 languages. Professor Patrick Baert is editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society (Springer) and has also held editorial posts at The European Journal of Social Theory, Journal of Classical Sociology, Contemporary Sociology and Distinction. He has held visiting appointments around the world, including at the University of Cape Town, L 'Universite de Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne, Humboldt University Berlin, Brown University, University of British Columbia, the University of Concepcion in Chile, London School of Economics and Political Science, and Sciences Po in Paris.

Example Syllabus:

• Communication Models and Message Types

• Measure and Analyze Online Behavior

• Transmission of Online Rumors and Word-of-Mouth Advertising

• Virtual Communities and Platforms

• Research Design

• Content analysis method and questionnaire method:

  • introduction and operation procedure of the content analysis method
  • code tables in the content analysis method
  • introduction and operation procedure of the questionnaire method
  • question forms and different scale types
  • probability sampling and non-probability sampling

• Data analysis and interpretation I:

  • Pearson correlation analysis and practice exercise
  • Chi-square analysis and practice exercise
  • single sample variance and practice exercise
  • T-test and practice exercise.

• Data analysis and interpretation II:

  • o multivariate variance and practice exercise
  • o simple linear regression and practice exercise
  • o multiple linear regression and practice exercise

• Program Review and Presentation

• Project Deliverables Tutoring

Acest program este destinat tinerilor cu varsta minima de 16 ani, cu un nivel de limba engleza minim echivalent IELTS 5.0+ (B2).

Se vor forma grupe internationale de aprox 15 elevi, pentru inscriere se va trimite in avans un CV al elevului in limba engleza.

Cursurile se vor desfasura in zilele de sambata sau duminica, in intervalul orar 10:00 – 12:00 ora UK (12:00 – 14:00 ora Romaniei), conform perioadei selectate.

La finalul celor 10 saptamani participantii vor primi*:

  • certificat de participare
  • raport academic
  • scrisoare de recomandare din partea tutorelui

* conditionat de prezenta la curs si predarea la timp a temelor/ proiectelor; documentele se trimit in format electronic la aproximativ 6-8 saptamani de la finalizarea cursului

Date de participare:

Sesiunea Februarie - Aprilie 2024 : 4 Feb 2024, 18 Feb 2024, 25 Feb 2024, 3 Mar 2024, 10 Mar 2024, 17 Mar 2024, 24 Mar 2024, 31 Mar 2024, 7 Apr 2024, 14 Apr 2024; 10am -12pm London time


700 GBP / 10 sesiuni


· Test de aptitudini si orientare educationala si profesionala - Profiling Expert Test* : 100 GBP

*Acest test este 100% in limba engleza si este folosit de majoritatea scolilor din UK si de foarte multe scoli europene pentru indrumarea elevilor in alegerea viitoarei cariere.
Testul “Profiling Expert” ajuta elevii sa identifice directii potentiale spre anumite cariere si sa ia decizii documentate despre optiunile de studiu. Testul dureaza 110 de minute si include evaluari verbale, numerice si abstracte, precum si un chestionar despre aspiratiile si interesele in alegerea carierei. La final, candidatul primeste un raport online detaliat, de aprox 25 de pagini, care poate fi descarcat si salvat.

Tariful NU include:

· TVA 19%

De ce cursuri online Mirunette?

Cursuri Online Acreditate

Educatia nu ar trebui sa se opreasca niciodata, indiferent de vremurile in care traim. Mirunette propune o diversitate de cursuri acreditate, predate de profesori nativi cu experienta in centre, scoli sau universitati de renume din strainatate.

Predarea se face 100% online, cu posibilitate de program flexibil, 1 to 1 sau lectii de grup, proiecte practice si resurse gratuite. Expertiza in educatie a partenerilor Mirunette si tipul de cursuri online oferite de centrele, scolile sau universitatile cu care lucram nu are comparatie pe piata cursurilor din Romania.

Asadar, continua-ti invatarea la standarde excelente si alege unul din cursurile online Mirunette.
