Curs online Pre-College Exploration - Business & Law Track

curs online pre college exploration business law track.jpg

Tara: America
Locatie: Online
Varsta: +14 ani
Tip tabara: Curs Online
Limba studiata: Engleza

Date incepere
12-13 & 19-20 Iunie 2021

Galerie foto

Descriere curs

Cursurile online preuniversitare de business si drept sunt dedicate tinerilor ambitiosi, cu un nivel bun de limba Engleza (min. B2).

Acest curs poate fi util tuturor tinerilor, indiferent de cariera ce o vor alege in viitor, intrucat elemente precum vanzari, marketing, management financiar, comunicare si formularea argumentelor au aplicatii practice in toate domeniile.

Programul Pre-College Exploration se desfasoara 100% online, in limba engleza, in grupe internationale de max 35 participanti. Cursurile dureaza 4 zile, cate 3 ore/ zi, se desfasoara in 2 weekend-uri consecutive, iar pentru optiunea Business & Law, fiecare zi va avea o tematica si un instructior diferit:

Day 1 - Entrepreneurship

Learn the basics of starting a business: from raising money and pitching to investors to developing a marketing plan and selling your first product.

Tutor: Dr. Michellana Jester, MIT
Michellana Jester is a Lecturer and GLab Course Manager at the MIT Sloan School of Management. She is responsible for leading the design and delivery of MIT Sloan’s largest project-based course, as well as supporting teams of student entrepreneurs around the world. Michellana has a master’s degree from Harvard University and a doctorate from Columbia University.

Day 2 - Management & Strategy

Work through a business case study in the style pioneered by Harvard Business School.

Tutor: Peter Mombaur, former McKinsey & Co. consultant
Peter Mombaur has global experience ranges from being a management consultant with McKinsey & Co., an investor, and entrepreneur.  Peter managed a private equity investment firm and successfully executed and managed investments in multiple industries. With his experience as both an investor and management consultant, Peter's main message to students interested in finance and investing is to consider both financial and non-financial aspects thoroughly.

Day 3 - Innovation

Entrepreneurship and innovation in Silicon Valley. How design thinking fuels innovation and can aid in personal leadership development.

Tutor: Cathy Chang, Silicon Valley Insitute
Cathy Chang is the Founder and Principal of Silicon Valley Institute. Prior to SV Institute, she was the Program Director for Custom Programs in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of California Berkeley Extension, a new initiative to introduce a dynamic higher education program that combines both interactive academic and experiential learning activities for a wide range of audiences from around the world. She has also served various organizations from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies in Technology, Hospitality, and PR & Advertising industries such as Microsoft and the Westin Hotel. Teaching, designing, organizing and delivering meaningful, memorable and life-changing learning content and experiences are her passion.

Day 4 - Law

Get an in-depth look into the legal profession and learn about the judicial system through analysis of a real world case.

Tutor: George Muksian, Wesleyan University
George Muksian combines a lifetime of courtroom experience with teaching experience at some of the nation's top universities. He has worked as a criminal defense lawyer and prosecutor for many years, as well as having tried many cases in the Rhode Island and Massachusetts trial courts. George has also been a law lecturer at Tufts University, Johnson & Wales University and other universities. He holds degrees from Harvard University (Ed.M), Suffolk University (J.D.), Wesleyan University (M.A.), and Providence College (B.A.).

Acest program este destinat tinerilor cu varsta minima de 14 ani, cu un nivel de limba engleza minim echivalent IELTS 5.0+ (B2).

Se va forma o grupa internationala de aprox 35 elevi.

Cursurile se vor desfasura in zilele de sambata si duminica, incepand cu ora 9:00 AM PT / 12:00 PM ET (ora 19:00 ora Romaniei)

La finalul cursului participantii vor primi un certificat de participare.

Date de participare:

23-24 & 30-31 Ianuarie 2021 - locuri epuizate
10-11 & 17-18 Aprilie 2021 - locuri epuizate
12-13 & 19-20 Iunie 2021


795 USD

Tariful NU include:

· TVA 19%

De ce cursuri online Mirunette?

Cursuri Online Acreditate

Educatia nu ar trebui sa se opreasca niciodata, indiferent de vremurile in care traim. Mirunette propune o diversitate de cursuri acreditate, predate de profesori nativi cu experienta in centre, scoli sau universitati de renume din strainatate.

Predarea se face 100% online, cu posibilitate de program flexibil, 1 to 1 sau lectii de grup, proiecte practice si resurse gratuite. Expertiza in educatie a partenerilor Mirunette si tipul de cursuri online oferite de centrele, scolile sau universitatile cu care lucram nu are comparatie pe piata cursurilor din Romania.

Asadar, continua-ti invatarea la standarde excelente si alege unul din cursurile online Mirunette.
