Tabara Engleza, Scotia, Edinburgh, Heriot Watt 2018 30iul-13aug (3)

Tabara Scotia, Edinburgh, Heriot Watt 2018Tabara Scotia, Edinburgh, Heriot Watt 2018

Dragi parinti, am primit poze si un mesaj din tabara Scotia, Edinburgh, Heriot Watt:

Yesterday we visited the Scottish Parliament, we did some sightseeing and saw the sunset at Calton Hill.

Afterwards we visited the cemetery which J.K. Rowling had inspired the names of the famous “Harry Potter” characters. Uuuuuu 🙂

We also tried the famous Scottish sweet called “Fudge”.

P.S. Pentru a fi la curent cu ce se întampla în tabara din Edinburgh, puteti accesa albumele foto de pe Facebook si Google Photos, care vor fi actualizate pe parcursul taberei cu noi fotografii!