Tabara Edinburgh Hariot Watt Scotia 30iul-13aug 2018

Tabara de grup limba engleza Edinburgh Hariot Watt University Scotia

Dragi parinti, am primit poze si un mesaj din tabara Edinburgh Hariot Watt Scotia:


„The first two days we were in the campus, we had different kinds of activities such as drama, sports, movies (England based, which included good use of English which seemed really smart to me) and an instagram challenge were they had to take photos of different places and learned information about the statues inside the campus (they got the first place for the creative photos and videos they took and were awarded a little prize). They had their placement tests and their first lesson yesterday. Today we had our breakfasts at the campus and we headed off to Edinburgh. At the moment we are visiting the Edinburgh Castle.

The kids are great we had no problems until know. Thank you !”

P.S. Pentru a fi la curent cu ce se întampla în tabara din Edinburgh, puteti accesa albumele foto de pe Facebook si Google Photos, care vor fi actualizate pe parcursul taberei cu noi fotografii!